A few moments with Pantychrist...
Emma, Danyell, Lexxi, Emma-O
METAL PULP AND PAPER: Hello everyone. So glad to be catching up with all of you. Thank you for taking the time to talk with Metal Pulp And Paper. We appreciate it. 

Danyell, how are you? How is the summer going for you so far? 

DANYELL: It’s good. I’m working, playing some shows with the band. 

MPAP: Let’s get right into it and talk about your band, Pantychrist. If someone hasn’t heard of them before, why should they now?  

DANYELL: What do you mean they haven’t heard of Pantychrist? If you haven’t heard of Pantychrist you don’t know anything. (laughing) 

EMMA-O: Because we have a bunch of new material coming out that is probably the best stuff the band has done. 

DANYELL: Yeah, definitely. Our music is like a speed addict taking a stroll through a Dali painting. 

EMMA-O: The whole music scene needs to be shaken up a bit, people have gotten a little too tame and we’re kind of crazy so people need that. They need to feel… when they come to a show they might get kicked in the balls or something. 

MPAP: Pantychrist is an all-female hardcore punk rock band from Hamilton, Canada that formed in 2003. What else should someone know about your band? 

DANYELL: We’re not your typical all girl band. People tend to get a little bit; how should I say it… shocked after seeing us. We get the whole "I didn’t expect you to be that good". 

EMMA-O: We’re back and stronger than ever and still going and have no plans on quitting. There’s a new album in the works that will be coming out in 2018 so we’re not going anywhere.
EMMA: We’re serious musicians. 

MPAP: Someone bought a concert ticket and is heading to the venue, what can a new fan expect when seeing Pantychrist live for the first time? 

EMMA: Chaos.

DANYELL: (laughing) Chaos!! 

EMMA-O: Blood.
DANYELL: Chaos and a little bit of blood.
EMMA-O: Nudity. Sweat.
LEXXI: Expect the unexpected. 

EMMA-O: All the forbidden things, all the taboos.
DANYELL: What taboos? 

EMMA-O: Buttfucking. Well, except….No animal sex. 

DANYELL: Of course animal sex… 

EMMA-O: Nooo!!
DANYELL: They can expect some swearing. It's spur of the moment, high energy. When I get on that stage I feel like another side of me comes out. A side that's stuffed deep down and released like a caged animal and anything can happen.... there's no boundaries, no rules. 
MPAP: The band has been described as a full throttle blast of estrogen-fueled aggression: angry, intense and unrelenting? What makes you want to be in the fast lane almost never looking back what’s left in your dust? 

DANYELL: I’m not always in the fast lane. I like to perform music in the fast lane, that’s just what comes out of me. I actually listen to and enjoy a variety of different types of music, not all are considered fast and aggressive. When I started Pantychrist it was like therapy for me and I was an angry child and that’s what came out of me. Like many kids I had lots of issues and you know, a hard upbringing. That’s how I coped and Pantychrist was an outlet for me and that’s what came out. And the other members in the band, same thing. They all kinda had issues, they were angry and that’s what just came out. That’s what art is. Art, music, it comes out of you, it’s what you’re feeling. It’s how a lot of people deal with their shit. Life. 

MPAP: In Pantychrist’s career, there have been many instances of the band being on 'hiatus' for periods of time. These absences have been credited to band member pregnancies, stints in rehab facilities, and even jail time. How do you push forward after hitting bumps in the road to regroup and gather up all the pieces to get back into the Pantychrist music flow of things again? 

DANYELL: Bumps are what makes you stronger. Life is full of bumps, you have to keep going.
MPAP: There have been many lineup changes since the band’s inception in 2003. You are the only original member left in Pantychrist? Kind of in the same vein as the previous question, how do you move forward when at times everything created comes to a screeching halt and hits a wall? 

DANYELL: Like anything you just keep pushing through. It’s not always easy because when working in a band with four other people it’s hard to get everyone wanting the same thing or on the same page. Peoples ideas of what they want in life change too so that’s why there have been lineup changes. People’s lives change, agendas change. If we’re on hiatus things change in people’s lives so we might lose a member, then we have to find someone else. And finding that new member is not just about someone that can play the songs, it’s about finding someone that wants to dedicate enough time to being in this band and doing what we want and having a like mind. And being able to work with us. It’s not easy. It takes a lot of heart. You have to love it. 

EMMA-O: And the way to move forward is to keep writing new stuff and just keep the train going. Don’t stop. It only stops when you stop. As long as you keep writing, keep the fire alive, the passion… 

DANYELL: I think you have to really, really love music and love writing to go through a lot of the stuff this band has gone through and still persevere. 

EMMA: Right now, we have a mix of people that mesh really well. It feels natural. 

DANYELL: It’s not easy and you’re lucky if you find a group of likeminded people that are dedicated and love the music as much as we do. 

MPAP: Some people might look at the history of Pantychrist and think everyone is up to no good and have black hearts of coal, but Pantychrist has played shows that have supported causes such as Rock Against Rape, Breast Cancer Awareness and Inasmuch Women’s Shelter. What do you want to say to these naysayers? 

EMMA-O: Satan is coming for you. Satan wants your soul. 

DANYELL: I have nothing to say to those people because they don’t know me. In the entertainment business, there will always be haters. 

EMMA-O: We’re not monsters.

DANYELL: I haven’t always been in the best situations so any chance that I can get to help somebody else I do. I do believe in karma. As human beings, we all put negative shit out into the world so we gotta try to put some positive out into the world too. 

EMMA-O: And if they would actually go to our facebook or social media they would see that we’re all big softies. All our pages are filled with animal stuff. 

EMMA: Come talk to us at a show and get to know us. When I joined this band, it was the nicest bunch of people ever and I love working with good people. 
MPAP: With songs that include such titles as "Carve My Name Into Your Chest", "Bitch", "Suicide", "The Cunt Song", and "Fun To Fuck", Pantychrist has obviously gotten and will always get overlooked for major radio airplay. How else do you go about to get your music heard then?
DANYELL: College radio stations always play us. 

EMMA-O: Playing live.
DANYELL: CD’s, online, social media. 
MPAP: Pantychrist have been compared to a variety of bands from a large spectrum of punk genres, including Plasmatics, Lunachicks, Bikini Kill, Black Flag, Misfits, Dayglo Abortions, and many more. Another one that’s also mentioned, that really stands out, is GG Allin. Would you say he was an influence for Pantychrist when the band started forming?
DANYELL: I don’t roll around in my own feces, but I do like GG Allin. He was an influence on Izabelle (note: original guitar player) for sure and for me I guess. So yes, GG Allin was an influence. There are no limits to rock n roll.
MPAP: Would you ever go as extreme as him when on stage playing live for your audience? 

DANYELL: I have screamed so loud I tinkled myself once, but as far as pooping, no. I’d really have to go for that to happen. I get stage fright on the toilet, I don’t think I could poop on stage. There was poop once, it just wasn’t me that pooped. (laughs)  

MPAP: Let’s finally get to what a lot of your fans are excited to hear about, you’re working on some new material, a new release correct?
DANYELL: Yes. Long overdue. We’re hoping to have the new album out in the new year 2018. 
MPAP: What can you tell us about Crackheads And Enablers

DANYELL: We’ve actually go a new title for the album, it’s not Crackheads And Enablers

EMMA-O: And there’s gonna be thirteen songs on it. 

DANYELL: It’s gonna be thirteen songs that are gonna kick you in the cunt and it’s definitely the best of Pantychrist. We worked really hard on the album and we worked for a long time on it too. Every song on this album kicks ass. 

EMMA-O: Compared to the old material, the new album is definitely gonna show how the band has grown as songwriters and musicians. The new direction the band has taken with more well-crafted songs, hooks and good lyrics. The same energy, just a little more thought out.  

MPAP: What will make this album different from your last, Break It Down (2011)? 

DANYELL: Break It Down was a compilation that showcased the various facets of the band and what Pantychrist was capable of at that point in time. Since then we’ve written a whole bunch of songs that expands upon what we were, but it still sounds like Pantychrist and we put a lot more effort into the songwriting instead of bashing something out as fast as we could.
EMMA-O: Anybody that loved the old Pantychrist will freak over the new Pantychrist

MPAP: Any release date you can mention yet for the new material? 

DANYELL: Early in the new year is what we want. 

MPAP: How would you say you have grown as a singer since your first release ShEPeed (demo 2004)? 

DANYELL: Vocally I’ve grown quite a bit. My range is wider, I’ve found my voice. It’s more mature, it’s grown with me as a person. My vocal sound, my performance as well has changed over the years. Old Pantychrist I was very young. Someone once described my performance, which I actually liked at the time, as more disturbing than entertaining. So, I’d like to think that it’s equal parts entertaining and disturbing throughout my live set now. (laughs) 

MPAP: Before we bring this interview to a close, just a few more questions. Where would you like to see Pantychrist at in 5 years, and then even 10 years from now? 

DANYELL: Five years from now? (singing) Sipping margaritas on the beach in Bahamas. Touring. I’d like to see us touring Canada, going over to the UK, Europe. I want to put out more albums. I want to see Pantychrist still writing and growing, still rocking. Ten years is a long time. 
MPAP: Tell us about your next show coming up on July 14th at the Coalition in Toronto, Ontario and why we should be there? 

DANYELL: If you haven’t seen Pantychrist it’s a show you don’t want to miss. It’s something you should experience once in your life at least. If you did see the old Pantychrist, the new Pantychrist is better. It’s a hell of a show to see, you won’t be disappointed. 

LEXXI: It’s gonna be a kick ass show. 

DANYELL: You never know what’s gonna happen. I never know what’s gonna happen. You might be missing something very spectacular if you don’t go. 

EMMA-O: I think you guys said it. 

MPAP: If you had to do it all over again, would you still choose this music career? Would you do anything differently?
DANYELL: These questions are intense. I’d still choose music yes. Differently? 

EMMA-O: Everybody has things they’d do differently but if you didn’t do those things you wouldn’t end up where you are today. In a way I don’t want to change anything, I don’t regret anything. 

DANYELL: If I could go back and do it again I would skip all the bullshit and just do the stuff that got me anywhere. (laughs) 

MPAP: On behalf of myself, and Metal Pulp And Paper, I would like to thank you all for spending some time with us. Look forward to what Pantychrist does to finish out 2017 and beyond.
DANYELL: Thank you for the interest in Pantychrist. Watch out for the new album.
MPAP: Any last words for all the readers and your fans out there? 

DANYELL: Thanks for supporting Pantychrist. Without the fans, we would have nothing. The fans make the show for me just as much as I entertain them. 

EMMA-O: And for the old fans to still support the band after all these years, all the ups and downs, they’re still there. They’re so enthusiastic when the band plays live. They’re just as excited that we’re doing stuff now as they were years ago so that’s a good thing. The new fans are just as excited about it and into it as the old fans are. You are about to get your minds blown. 

DANYELL: We can’t wait to see you at a show.
EMMA-O: And bring your hockey mask, jock strap and a blow torch ‘cause you’re gonna need it. 

DANYELL: I don’t kick people in the nuts anymore. 

EMMA-O: You should still bring a jock strap just in case.

DANYELL: Like I said, you never know what’s gonna happen. 


Find Pantychrist at: 

Find Pantychrist music at: 
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/artist/pantychrist/id19075013  
Bandcamp: https://pantychrist.bandcamp.com  
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/2jatXVsOk3FfJRQ6YZTY3i  
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